Carp Pro CP57040B je kompaktni rod pod za tri štapa.
Okvir i noge su napravljeni od aluminijuma, imaju teleskopski dizajn.
Buzz šipke Carp Pro CP57040B opremljene su odvojenim šiljastim nogama, zahvaljujući kojima se mogu lako fiksirati na mekom tlu.
Sklopljeni rod pod je dimenzija: 73x20x5cm
The big fish tripod. Complete stability is achieved via a pressed and
moulded aluminium block. Fully adjustable legs, extending from 48” to
82” will clear the largest of weigh slings for an accurate reading every
time. The Euro Sniper packs down slim and light and comes complete with
3 pivot..
Rolaball Baitmaster offers much greater bait making capacity as the
wider design simply rolls more boilies at a stroke than our longbase
tables. This makes bait making much quicker and more efficient – and
this means that anglers that want the control or economy of making their
own bai..
Rolaball Baitmaster offers much greater bait making capacity as the
wider design simply rolls more boilies at a stroke than our longbase
tables. This makes bait making much quicker and more efficient – and
this means that anglers that want the control or economy of making their
own bai..
Rolaball Baitmaster offers much greater bait making capacity as the
wider design simply rolls more boilies at a stroke than our longbase
tables. This makes bait making much quicker and more efficient – and
this means that anglers that want the control or economy of making their
own bai..
Hooklink je super jak, brzo tonući materijal bez pletenice za šaranske
predveze. Materijal je mekan, veoma lak za vezivanje sistema.Koristi se
za ribolov na mekom dnu.Dolazi u dve boje koje savršeno maskiraju dno -
močvarno zelena (Weedy Green) I tamno braon (Gr. Brown)...